Thursday, 15 December 2016

Teman Ahok Buka Borok Ahok

 Photo, Vids, Phenomenal, Inspiration, life style Teman Ahok Buka Borok Ahok  Ternyata TemanAhok Selama ini adalah Team Bayaran yang sengaja dikelola layaknya seorang Karyawan dengan Imbalan berkisar antara 2,5 Juta sampai dengan 5 Juta Rupiah per bulannya. Mantan TemanAhok ini mengungkapkan adanya aliran Dana kepada TemanAhok dengan menunjukkan Tanda Pembayaran Pembelian KTP. Siapakah TemanAhok ini?? Team TemanAhok adalah Kumpulan Mantan Tim Sukses Jokowi-Ahok, Kelahiran TemanAhok Dibidani Cyrus Network. Berikut Rekaman Berita Dari INews TV. ...

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Six Japanese Hot Sexy Model

Six Japanese Hot Sexy Model Photo, Vids, Phenomenal, Inspiration, life style  Maki Horikita; born on Oct 6th 1988 in Tokyo  Nozomi Sasaki , Born on February 8 th 1988    Leah Dizon, born on Sept 24 th 1986  Yumi Sugimoto, born on April 1st 1989  Kyoko Fukada, born on  Keiko Kitagawa, born on August 22 th 1986  ...

Sunday, 26 August 2012

RIP Neil Amstrong

Photo, Vids, Phenomenal, Inspiration, life style   RIP Neil Amstrong The Phenomenal First Man Who Landing on The Moon  Known As " Neil Amstrong" Died yesterdey 25 Agust 2012.  Innalilahirojiun Neil Amstrong First Man Landed on Moon Died Innalilahirojiun Neil Amstrong First Man Landed on Moon Died The BBC's Pallab Ghosh, who interviewed Armstrong, says he had an ''ice cool attitude'' which made him an excellent astronaut US astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the Moon, has died at the age of 82. His family says he died from complications from heart surgery he had earlier this month. He walked on...

Friday, 24 August 2012

Collapsing Bridge in China 24 augst 2012 Three Killed

Photo, Vids, Phenomenal, Inspiration, life style Collapsing Bridge in China 24 augst 2012 Three Killed Collapsing Bridge in China 24 augst 2012 Three Killed Three people were killed and five others injured when a suspension bridge in northeastern China collapsed on Friday morning, nine months after the bridge was inaugurated. The bridge, which is part of the fast lane in the city of Harbin, has just opened in November after two years of construction at a cost of 1.9 billion yuan (about Rp2, 8 trillion), according to a report from the China News Service. Bridges along 100 meters (320 feet) collapsed when the four heavy truck was passing over...

Phenomenal Video Drowning in Outdoor Recreation, Children 8 Years Dies Indonesia

Photo, Vids, Phenomenal, Inspiration, life style Phenomenal Video Drowning in Outdoor Recreation, Children 8 Years Dies Indonesia It's unfortunate fate suffered by Mutia Aisha, child 8 years of Kampung Cage, Sub Coral Happy, Bekasi, West Java. The victim drowned while swimming in a pool in Kampung Houses, East Cikarang, Bekasi A boy drowned in recreational Waterboom Cikarang, Bekasi, on Wednesday (22/08/2012) afternoon. Victim named Mutia Sitompul (8) that whilst he was on holiday with his family. This was conveyed by the Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police, Commissioner Rikwanto, Thursday (08/23/2012) afternoon at Metro Jaya Police Headquarters. Rikwanto said, namely Karim and Susilo witness saw the girl was swimming in a vehicle. "However, suddenly the victim was found by a witness...

元HKT菅本裕子、動画で脱退理由を説明 Photo Night

Photo, Vids, Phenomenal, Inspiration, life style    元HKT菅本裕子、動画で脱退理由を説明 Photo Night   元HKT菅本裕子、動画で脱退理由を説明 Photo Night 福岡・博多を拠点に活動するアイドルグループ「HKT48」の脱退したメンバーの一人である菅本裕子(18)が22日、動画投稿サイト「YouTube」に投稿し、ファンに直接、脱退理由を説明した。  21日、HKTの公式ブログで谷口愛理(13)、江藤彩也香(14)、仲西彩佳(16)と一緒にファンへのコメントを発表していた。  菅本はリラックスした表情でカメラに向かって語りかけ、「今回は、今まで応援してくださったファンのみなさんに、感謝の気持ちと辞める本当の理由を自分の口、裕子の口から言いたかったので、このような動画で言うことにしました」と口火を切った。   まず「今まで応援してくださったみなさん、本当にありがとうございました。声援やコメントや、お手紙や握手とか、すごくすごく裕子にとって幸せな時間でし た。ありがとうございました」と感謝を伝えたうえで、「辞めた理由は大きく2つあるんですけれど」と説明をはじめ、一つは友達が進路を決める中で自分もど うしようか迷っていたこと、もう一つは特定のファンとの私的な交流を上げた。  「謝らなければいけないことですけど、すごく悪いことをし てしまって、新聞にも書かれてい...

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Sundown Marathon 2012 The Midnight Insomniac Runner sundown marathon 2012, army open house 2012, ek hazaron mein meri behna hai, sundown marathon 2012 route, jenaer fußballregeln

Photo, Vids, Phenomenal, Inspiration, life style Sundown Marathon 2012 The Midnight Insomniac Runner The Sundown Marathon is an annual marquee event for serious runners. The nature of the race is straight forward: Choice of 10K, 21K or the full marathon (42.195K). The approach is not so simple. It is, probably, the most humid time of the day with limited evaporation of sweat so hydration and pacing are key factors to your personal success. Some tips for the upcoming   Adidas Sundown Marathon are, when it comes to pacing, top runners aren’t just fast-they’re also very, very consistent. Like finely calibrated metronomes,...

Friday, 25 May 2012

Anothers GAN LULU TOP The bare cheek of it all

Photo, Vids, Phenomenal, Inspiration, life styleAnothers GAN LULU TOP The bare cheek of it all   this time exposed not just her trademark boobs, but also a round ass cheek. Classy!!! She turned heads and triggered screaming at the kitchenware and bath facility expo in Shanghai on Wednesday, when she made a personal appearanc...

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Hot Twin Rusian Photo

Photo, Vids, Phenomenal, Inspiration, life styleHot Twin Rusian Photo...

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Phenomenal In Three Days Signal Satelite Goes Down

Photo, Vids, Phenomenal, Inspiration, life style Phenomenal In Three Days Signal Satelite Goes Down  In Three Days Signal Satelite Goes Down In three days into the future, the radio signal including mobile phone network signals are threatened paralysis, is due to radiation from the sun storms or Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) caused the magnetic storm. Solar flares are part of the activity was increased in the sun, this cycle occurs every 11 years. These solar storms are expected to reach its peak in 2013. "Hurricane geomagnetis category G1 (minor) is predicted to occur 28 and December 29 due to the arrival of several times the...
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