Sunday 26 August 2012

RIP Neil Amstrong

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  RIP Neil Amstrong

The Phenomenal First Man Who Landing on The Moon  Known As " Neil Amstrong" Died yesterdey 25 Agust 2012. 
Innalilahirojiun Neil Amstrong First Man Landed on Moon Died
Innalilahirojiun Neil Amstrong First Man Landed on Moon Died

The BBC's Pallab Ghosh, who interviewed Armstrong, says he had an ''ice cool attitude'' which made him an excellent astronaut

US astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the Moon, has died at the age of 82.

His family says he died from complications from heart surgery he had earlier this month.

He walked on the Moon on 20 July 1969, famously describing the event as "one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind".

Last November Armstrong received the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest US civilian award.

He was the commander of the Apollo 11 spacecraft. He and fellow astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the moon.

Mr Aldrin told the BBC's Newshour programme: "It's very sad indeed that we're not able to be together as a crew on the 50th anniversary of the mission… [I will remember him] as a very capable commander."
Read More On BBC

 ''Banyak orang tidak tahu siapa Armstrong," dengan kata-kata itulah Tom Wolfe memperkenalkan Neil Armstrong di dalam karya masterpiece-nya The Right Stuff. Armstrong adalah karakter nyata yang ditulis Wolfe dalam bukunya tersebut.

Banyak misteri yang menyertai Armstrong, termasuk soal teori konspirasi yang menyatakan pendaratan manusia di Bulan adalah sebuah kebohongan. AS diduga melakukan rekayasa untuk memenangkan Perang Dingin dengan Uni Soviet dan membangun citra seusai kekalahan dalam perang Vietnam. Debat soal ini telah berlangsung selama beberapa dekade.

Armstrong tidak banyak berkomentar soal konspirasi ini. Dia hanya menyebut alasannya pergi ke Bulan adalah sifat manusia yang suka menghadapi tantangan. Beberapa situs internet dan blog juga pernah menyebut Armstrong menjadi Muslim setelah mendengar suara azan di Mesir karena suaranya sama seperti yang pernah ia dengar ketika di Bulan. Namun, kabar itu tak pernah bisa dibuktikan.

There is many Mistery and Question About Neil Amstrong 

'' A lot of people do not know who Armstrong, "with the words that Tom Wolfe introduces Neil Armstrong in his masterpiece The Right Stuff. Armstrong is a real character who wrote Wolfe in his book.

Armstrong came with many mysteries, including the matter of conspiracy theories stating man landing on the moon was a hoax. U.S. allegedly engineered to win the Cold War with the Soviet Union and image building after the defeat in the Vietnam war. The debate on this has been going on for decades.

Armstrong did not say much about this conspiracy. He only mentions the reason to go to the Moon is human nature that likes challenges. Some internet sites and blog also mentions Armstrong became a Muslim after hearing the call to prayer in Egypt because of his voice as he'd heard while on the Moon. However, the news was never proven. Read More

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