Tuesday 26 July 2011

Kim Kardashian Exposed Psoriasis

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Kim Kardashian Exposed  Psoriasis

AFTER diagnosed suffering from psoriasis, Kim Kardashian was worried his career in the industrialized world will end. "People do not understand how big my load to always look perfect," he said.

Kim is probably one woman in the world's most photographed. Thus, he was afraid of a skin disease he suffered would threaten its presence in the reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

According to Wikipedia, psoriasis is a type of skin disease sufferers experience the process of turnover (skin) that is too fast. The emergence of this disease is sometimes a long time or recurring in an uncertain time.

This disease is clinically are not life-threatening and not contagious. However, this disease can appear anywhere on the body so it can degrade the quality of life and interfere with the mental strength of the patient if not treated properly.

As Kim had a red rash, first on his feet and soon spread throughout his body. After seeing a dermatologist and diagnosed suffering from psoriasis, Kim panicked.

"My job is to do advertising campaigns and photo bathing suit," said 30-year-old celebrity, crying.

"People do not understand the pressure on me to look perfect," he said as quoted by the Daily Mail on Tuesday (26 / 7).

"When my weight betambah, it soon became headlines. Imagine what will be proclaimed the tabloids if they see these spots?," Kim said.

The disease is suspected inherited by his mother, Kris Jenner. "I experienced it the first time when the same age as Kim. I cried myself to sleep for months," said Jenner.

Kim told her doctor that the condition was incurable and the best way to overcome that is to be more relaxed life. (MI / Bey)
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