Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Alanis Morissette does not welcome rain or clouds this Mother’s

Alanis Morissette does not welcome rain or clouds this Mother’s
Ironic or not, the singer-songwriter Alanis Morissette does not welcome rain or clouds this Mother’s Day. The Los Angeles-based mother is looking forward to repeating her family’s one-year-old Mother’s Day tradition of picnicking with snacks on the beach and nestling in a hammock with her husband, Mario Treadway, and son, Ever Imre, also known as “lil’ man.” She may be “new to the momma gang,” as she calls it, but Morissette isn’t opposed to enjoying every minute of her son and the holiday’s perks. On her wish list? A Gracious Home picnic basket, Lainey blanket and beach bag from read more

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