Sunday 17 July 2011

Shirley Yeung (楊思琦) Cuts Lee Ka Ding’s (李家鼎) Gregory Lee (李泳豪) Hearts

Photo, Vids, Phenomenal, Inspiration, life style
Shirley Yeung (楊思琦) Cuts Lee Ka Ding’s (李家鼎)   Gregory Lee (李泳豪) Hearts

Shirley Yeung (楊思琦) Cuts Lee Ka Ding’s (李家鼎)   Gregory Lee (李泳豪) Hearts

TVB fadan Shirley Yeung (楊思琦) one-sidedly announced her breakup with Lee Ka Ding’s (李家鼎) younger son, Gregory Lee (李泳豪) in June. Some said she had attached herself to ex-national diver, Andy Ng (吳帥).

However, in recent  night, night1001, Night1001month days, Andy Ng’s background was unearthed and revealed to be heavily in debt. After admitting that she used pregnancy as an excuse to break-up with Gregory, Shirley was blasted by Gregory’s family. Augustine Lee (李泳漢), who deeply cared for his younger brother Gregory, admonished Shirley. Yesterday, Lee Ka Ding even reprimanded Shirley’s mother!

In her former relationship with Gregory, the public often referred to it as the woman being more superior to the man’s self-esteem. Ding Yeh aka Ding Ka Ding, was interviewed by the media yesterday at Tseung Kwan O. During the interview, Ding Yeh was agitated and had, as usual, exploded into some expletives in his responses. Ding Yeh also verified that some rumors of Shirley’s mother looking down on Gregory were true.

R=Reporter ; DY=Ding Yeh

R: In addition to complaining about Gregory and his family, Shirley also grumbled that while dating, Gregory’s ties with her family were not close enough?

DY: They have been dating for nine years and during this night, night1001, Night1001month  period, I have only seen Shirley’s dad once and Shirley’s mom four times.

R: Do you feel that Shirley’s mom, Mrs. Yeung, despised your son, Gregory, for being poor?

DY: They broke up and the worst “sin” about my son is that he is poor. Although we are poor, we have a backbone. There was one matter which truly upset Gregory and I really wish to say it out. There was one time where Shirley and her mom went to dine with her aunt. Gregory was in charge of being their driver. After dropping them off first, Gregory was supposed to park his car. However, Gregory suddenly received Shirley’s call that her mom asked him not to head up to the restaurant. Was it because Mrs. Yeung was afraid Gregory’s appearance would cause them to be ashamed or was it because Mrs. Yeung only purely treated Gregory as her chauffeur? When I heard about it from my son, I was enraged, who did Shirley’s family think they are? I really couldn’t bear it anymore; if they were dissatisfied that my son was poor, why didn’t Shirley’s family object to it earlier, when Shirley and Gregory first started dating? Why did they have to wait till after 9 years to snub my son?”

R: On Gregory’s birthday celebration in May, Shirley attended in the capacity as Gregory’s girlfriend. However in a recent interview, Shirley voiced her suspicions that Gregory was the one who revealed details to the media.

DY: On that fateful day, the decision to have a birthday dinner was a temporary and abrupt one. That night, after the dinner, reporters even asked me whether wedding bells will be ringing soon. Actually, even before this dinner, Shirley and Gregory had already discussed their plans to get married in my house. Who would have guessed that on June 28th, Shirley suddenly announced a break up? When I received the news, I was stunned. I wondered what crazy stunt she playing; was it to help her new show, <宠爱有加>, gain some publicity? I called Gregory to ask. My son cried non-stop like a water spout. I couldn’t believe that it was real!

R: Gregory loved Shirley and said that he didn’t mind helping her raise a child who was fathered by another man.

DY: When I heard what Gregory has said, I almost fainted. I really couldn’t accept this! My son’s love towards Shirley is 200%. This silly boy still cares for her, even  night, night1001, Night1001month today! When Gregory knew about today’s interview, he even told me lighten my comments on Shirley. Even now I haven’t really said anything bad about her, I only help in providing the reasoning, in what I think is right and not just blindly helping anyone who is related to me. Up to today, I have been remaining cool-headed and speaking in a neutral tone, It’s not because I dote on my son; it’s because I dote on this girl (Shirley) too. I don’t hit a person when she is down and out. Read more about Shirley Yeung

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