Friday, 2 September 2011

The uniqueness of the numbers 1 (one) -10 (ten) in Indonesian

Photo, Vids, Phenomenal, Inspiration, life style The uniqueness of the numbers 1 (one) -10 (ten) in Indonesian The uniqueness of the numbers 1 (one) -10 (ten) in Indonesian Unique fact pattern was found in a series of numbers. Every country, nation, and the area definitely has its own mention for the numbers of one, two to ten. Keunikan angka 1(satu)-10 (sepuluh) dalam bahasa indonesia Fakta unik ternyata ditemukan dalam pola sederetan angka. Setiap negara, bangsa, dan daerah pasti memiliki penyebutan sendiri untuk angka-angka dari satu, dua sampai dengan sepuluh. 1 = Satu 2 = Dua 3 = Tiga 4 = Empat 5 = Lima 6 = Enam 7 = Tujuh 8 = Delapan 9 = Sembilan It turned out that every number has a brother is marked with the same initial letter. When two brothers are summed the number, then the result must be ten. Examples Satu (One) and Sembilan (Nine) have the initial letter, namely S, and when added together the result is one and nine of ten. Likewise with the Dua (Two) and Delapan (Eight), Tiga/Three and Tujuh/Seven and Empat/Four and Enam/Six. Successively up to five digits. Five summed with itself also the result of ten. Not only that, it turns out the letter was originally also had an important role that the formation number. Eg One and Nine are both the letter originally was S, which incidentally was ranked 19th in the alphabet. If the numbers one and nine are summed and then divided by two to find the average then the result is 5. The form number 5 is identical with the letter S. Then Two and Eight. First letter is D who finished fourth. When the eight divided by two then the result is four

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